Gas Turbine Filter House Maintenance

Gas Turbine Filter House Maintenance

I.   Filter replacement

  • To prepare all tools suitable for thejob.
  • To remove the Coalescerfilter, Pre-filter and Final filled[DC  GT11/12 (allfilter house lTl Ddule)
  • To clean all the filter frames, the lowers and all surface offilter house (inside and outside) by pressured water or another suitable tool which not damage to the filter house
  • To check for condition of access doors and replace all seals
  • To repair any defective filter support grids after cleaning.
  • To maintenance or repair for all defective locks latches and .strikes.
  • To vacuum clean of the clean room (afterfincil filter) and sound dampers
  • To remove all damaged paint layer and repaint the corrosion and damciged parts of support framework [or filter and repaint onfioor in clean room
  • To replacements of Coalcscer filter, Pre-filter and Final filter  (There cire 540pcs of Coalcsccr fillers, 534pcs of Pre-Fillers,  534pcs Final Fllters.)
  • Re-painting specification as below:
    (Grey color)
    • Painting for rusry points
      • Epoxy Primer 50 Microns
      • Two Pack High Build Epoxy 1 x 100 microns
      • Internciii onal paints  or equivalent
    • Paint works onfioor in walkw‹:iys and fioor in clean room( after final filter)
      • Two Pack High Build Epoxy 1 x 100 microns
      • International paints or equivalent

II.   Filter House structure and Air Inlet duct :

  • To inspect the filter house structure and identify the corrosion and damaged parts offilter house air inlet duct then repair any defective and repaint the corrosion and damaged
  • To repaint whole outside of the filter house.
    • To check for drainage syslcm ensures that drainage syslem is propcrl y installeJ at the drain holes of the filter house fioor
    • To check for platform, handrails, and access ladders Ensure thcit the platforms arc secure and level and remove any obstruction which could create a ha=ard to personnel
    • To remove all damagecl paint layer anJ repaint
    • To check  on the top offilter house and repair dc[eel and repair the wetter gutter of the filter house
  • Painting specification as below:
    • Total filter house (Grey color)
    • Painting for rusty points
      • – Epoxy Primer 50 Microns
      • – Two Pack High Build Epoxy 1 x 100 microns
      • – International paints or equivalent 
    • Paint works on outside wall of the filter house
      • – Two Pack High Build Epoxy 1 x 100 microns 
      • – International paints or equivalent

III.   Air Inlet Duct casing

  1. Air inlet diffuser casings (Red color)
    • To check paint layer of air inlet diffuser casings then remove all damaged paint layer by scraping
    • Cleaned surface by grinder with copper brushed at defected area
    • Applied PT remover and Heating surfaces by lamp
    • Painting: Primer — Interseal 670SH or equivalent ; Finish — Intergrard 740
  2. Air inlet duct ccisings (Grey color)

    To check for air inlet duct casing and remove all damaged paint layer and repaint
  • Painting for rusty points:
    • ■ Epoxy Primer 50 Microns 
    • ■ Two Pack High Build Epoxy 1 x 100 microns 
    • ■ International Paints or equivalent 
  • Paint all inside casing
    • ■ Two Pack High Build Epoxy 1 x 100 microns 
    • ■ International paints or equivalent

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